
If you are a tenant of the allotments, why not join the Allotments Association? For details of the Association click here.





Payment for Allotment plot rents which includes the cost of water are due on 1st October 2022.

With effect from the 1st October 2023 the charges will be £20 per annum per plot (5 perch) to include water charges.

Lydd Town Council will need plot holders to complete a consent form and you can make payment either by:

Cheque - to Lydd Town Council posted to Guild Hall, 13 High Street, TN29 9AF

Cash – In the Guild Hall on a Monday or Wednesday 9am to 12.30pm

Bank Transfer – Contact Diane on 01797 320999 or by email


Please put your name and plot number as a reference with the payment method of your choice and include your consent form when paying by cheque of cash or email or post your consent form if paying by bank transfer.

Consent form available by email, phone request or download from the website.



Allotment Application & Consent Forms