East Kent Stakeholder News
May 2019
In east Kent we are developing proposals to reconfigure some hospital services alongside improving the quality and range of care available closer to where people live. There are two medium list options for the changes to hospitals (see links at the bottom for details). These will be evaluated to confirm the shortlist that goes to public consultation in the future.
Invitation to NHS workshop on next stage of options evaluation
July 2019
We need your help to scrutinise how we evaluate the two options before deciding which go onto the shortlist.
Thursday 18 July 2019 we are bringing clinicians and local people together to discuss some of the evidence being used to make this decision.
The workshop will be in
Canterbury from
9.30am-4pm. There will be lunch and refreshments provided, and travel expenses can be reclaimed.
We are looking for
40 members of the public from across east Kent who represent our diverse population. We are looking for a mix of views and experience including:
- Patients and carers who are young people, parents, working aged adults, or retired
- People with experience of using A&E for physical or mental health problems
- People with experience of inpatient treatment at Kent & Canterbury, QEQM, and William Harvey hospitals
- People with long-term conditions that have led to regular hospital visits, or their carers
- Parents with experience of maternity or hospital services for children in east Kent.
You don’t need to have previous involvement or knowledge of the hospital proposals. But we are looking for people who are willing to:
- read (or listen to) a little bit of background information before the event
- spend a day discussing how the options will be assessed and considering some of the emerging evidence.